Tuesday 10 September      sunrise  06:11  sunset  19:00   Daylight: 12 hrs 49 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
14 - 15 CloudyCloudy 22.5° - 16.2 km/h   Gentle breeze 328.3 NNW
100 % 1005.9 hPa
15 - 16 CloudyCloudy 22.8° - 16.2 km/h   Gentle breeze 332.9 NNW
100 % 1005.9 hPa
16 - 17 CloudyCloudy 22.7° - 16.2 km/h   Gentle breeze 345 NNW
100 % 1006 hPa
17 - 18 CloudyCloudy 21.5° - 14.8 km/h   Gentle breeze 7.1 N - 100 % 1006.3 hPa
18 - 19 CloudyCloudy 21.1° - 15.1 km/h   Gentle breeze 4.1 N - 100 % 1006.7 hPa
19 - 20 CloudyCloudy 19.7° - 14 km/h   Gentle breeze 15.6 NNE - 100 % 1007 hPa
20 - 21 CloudyCloudy 19.1° - 13 km/h   Light breeze 10.1 N - 100 % 1007.8 hPa
21 - 22 CloudyCloudy 19° - 13.3 km/h   Gentle breeze 7.4 N - 100 % 1008.1 hPa
22 - 23 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 18.8° - 14 km/h   Gentle breeze 3.3 N - 83 % 1008.2 hPa
23 - 00 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 18.2° - 13 km/h   Light breeze 2.1 N - 81 % 1008.1 hPa
 Wednesday 11 September      sunrise  06:12  sunset  18:58   Daylight: 12 hrs 45 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
00 - 01 CloudyCloudy 17.9° - 12.2 km/h   Light breeze 5.6 N - 89 % 1008.2 hPa
01 - 02 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 17.6° - 12.6 km/h   Light breeze 358.8 N - 81 % 1008.2 hPa
02 - 03 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 16.7° - 11.5 km/h   Light breeze 350.8 N - 99 % 1008.3 hPa
03 - 04 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 16° - 11.5 km/h   Light breeze 348.2 NNW - 85 % 1008.2 hPa
04 - 05 CloudyCloudy 15.6° - 10.4 km/h   Light breeze 338.4 NNW - 93 % 1008.2 hPa
05 - 06 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 15.3° - 9 km/h   Light breeze 324.8 NW - 80 % 1008.2 hPa
06 - 07 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 14.9° - 7.9 km/h   Light breeze 321.7 NW - 54 % 1008.2 hPa
07 - 08 FairFair 15.2° - 9.7 km/h   Light breeze 326.9 NW - 20 % 1008.6 hPa
08 - 09 Clear skyClear sky 17.5° - 8.3 km/h   Light breeze 334.6 NNW - - 1008.6 hPa
09 - 10 Clear skyClear sky 20.1° - 10.8 km/h   Light breeze 354.9 N
- 1008.7 hPa
10 - 11 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 21.6° - 13.3 km/h   Gentle breeze 12.5 NNE
54 % 1008.8 hPa
11 - 12 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 22.9° - 11.9 km/h   Light breeze 8.3 N
48 % 1008.4 hPa
12 - 13 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 24.1° - 11.9 km/h   Light breeze 354.9 N
69 % 1008.1 hPa
13 - 14 CloudyCloudy 24.4° - 9.4 km/h   Light breeze 330.6 NNW
98 % 1007.9 hPa
14 - 15 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 24.5° - 9.7 km/h   Light breeze 308.3 NW
53 % 1007.8 hPa
15 - 16 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 24.8° - 9.7 km/h   Light breeze 299.4 WNW
63 % 1007.5 hPa
16 - 17 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 25.3° - 8.6 km/h   Light breeze 291.3 WNW
63 % 1007.3 hPa
17 - 18 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 24.9° - 10.1 km/h   Light breeze 287.5 WNW - 85 % 1007.2 hPa
18 - 19 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 24° - 10.8 km/h   Light breeze 288.5 WNW - 98 % 1007.3 hPa
19 - 20 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 21.7° - 10.8 km/h   Light breeze 288.1 WNW - 71 % 1007.6 hPa
20 - 21 Clear skyClear sky 20.6° - 11.5 km/h   Light breeze 285.3 WNW - - 1008.2 hPa
21 - 22 Clear skyClear sky 19.2° - 9.7 km/h   Light breeze 285.4 WNW - - 1008.5 hPa
22 - 23 Clear skyClear sky 17.9° - 9 km/h   Light breeze 299.3 WNW - - 1008.4 hPa
23 - 00 Clear skyClear sky 16.4° - 9.4 km/h   Light breeze 311.8 NW - - 1008.4 hPa
 Thursday 12 September      sunrise  06:14  sunset  18:56   Daylight: 12 hrs 42 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
00 - 01 Clear skyClear sky 17.1° - 5.4 km/h   Light air 58.3 ENE - - 1008.4 hPa
01 - 02 Clear skyClear sky 15.7° - 5 km/h   Light air 156.5 SSE - - 1008.4 hPa
02 - 03 Clear skyClear sky 15° - 6.1 km/h   Light air 193.9 SSW - - 1008 hPa
03 - 04 Clear skyClear sky 14.3° - 5 km/h   Light air 227.6 SW - - 1007.9 hPa
04 - 05 Clear skyClear sky 13.9° - 5.4 km/h   Light air 241.7 WSW - - 1007.8 hPa
05 - 06 FairFair 14.5° - 4.7 km/h   Light air 257.2 WSW - 25 % 1007.6 hPa
06 - 07 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 14.4° - 6.1 km/h   Light air 207.1 SSW - 48 % 1007.9 hPa
07 - 08 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 14.3° - 3.6 km/h   Light air 114.3 ESE - 41 % 1008.4 hPa
08 - 09 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 16.9° - 3.6 km/h   Light air 69.5 ENE - 78 % 1008.7 hPa
09 - 10 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 19.8° - 2.9 km/h   Light air 94.4 E
47 % 1008.6 hPa
10 - 11 Clear skyClear sky 22.4° - 5.8 km/h   Light air 123.2 ESE
- 1008.6 hPa
11 - 12 Clear skyClear sky 24.1° - 7.2 km/h   Light air 150.1 SSE
- 1008.2 hPa
12 - 13 Clear skyClear sky 25.4° - 9 km/h   Light breeze 162.8 SSE
- 1007.8 hPa
13 - 14 Clear skyClear sky 26.4° - 9.7 km/h   Light breeze 162.3 SSE
- 1007.4 hPa
14 - 15 Clear skyClear sky 27.1° - 9.7 km/h   Light breeze 157.2 SSE
- 1007 hPa
15 - 16 Clear skyClear sky 27.6° - 10.1 km/h   Light breeze 149.6 SSE
- 1006.3 hPa
16 - 17 Clear skyClear sky 27.8° - 11.5 km/h   Light breeze 155.9 SSE
- 1006.1 hPa
17 - 18 FairFair 27.4° - 11.9 km/h   Light breeze 153.5 SSE - 27 % 1005.8 hPa
18 - 19 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 26.4° - 11.9 km/h   Light breeze 142.8 SE - 62 % 1005.7 hPa
19 - 20 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 24° - 11.5 km/h   Light breeze 136.3 SE - 61 % 1005.7 hPa
20 - 21 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 22.7° - 14.8 km/h   Gentle breeze 134.6 SE - 56 % 1005.8 hPa
21 - 22 FairFair 22.1° - 14 km/h   Gentle breeze 131.9 SE - 21 % 1005.9 hPa
22 - 23 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 21.5° - 15.1 km/h   Gentle breeze 123.2 ESE - 46 % 1005.5 hPa
23 - 00 CloudyCloudy 20.4° - 11.2 km/h   Light breeze 166.9 SSE - 95 % 1005.7 hPa
 Friday 13 September      sunrise  06:15  sunset  18:54   Daylight: 12 hrs 39 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
00 - 01 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 19.2° - 7.9 km/h   Light breeze 253.7 WSW - 78 % 1006 hPa
01 - 02 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 17.8° - 8.3 km/h   Light breeze 340.6 NNW - 81 % 1005.5 hPa
Weather forecast data courtesy of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK